Thursday, September 9, 2010

Books of the Bible OT & NT

Here are the Books of the Bible - Old Testament and New Testament.

It will take about 10 minutes to watch it all.

It begins with Genesis and goes to Revelation.

I pronounce the name of the book, count the syllables, and tell you how I would say it out loud as I spell it.

Tell me if this helps you.

Have Fun!!!! :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Dear Parents,

You are receiving this letter because your child is in one of my classes:

7th & 8th Grade Religion
High school ESL Religion

For the next three to four weeks following Spring Break, I will be teaching your child how to create a Digital Story which is a story made in a program like Power Point using pictures and your child’s voice.

To accomplish this task:

1.The student will choose a story from a list of parables that teach a moral lesson.

2.The student will find digital photos to illustrate their story; they can be personal photos, images from the Internet, or clip art and create a story board using Photo Story 3.

3.The student will title each photo.

4.The student will write a one to two sentence script that tells the story and matches the photos.

5.The student will record their voice reading the script.

6.The student will choose appropriate background music to be played during the presentation of their digital story.

7.The student will save the file as a .wmv (windows media video file)

8.The student will upload it to You Tube for you to see.

To make this project simple, each student needs the following items:

Must have:
Their own head set with a microphone that has two jacks to plug into the earphone and the microphone ports on their computer.

Very helpful:
A laptop so they can work on this project in my class or in the dorm when they cannot be in the computer lab.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at

Thank you for your support in your child’s education.


Ms. Jennifer R. Ingold,
Religion Teacher

How to Cite a Source

Every time you find an image that you would like to save, do the following:

1. Highlight the url (
2. Copy
3. Paste into a file folder you have created titled "Credits"
4. When you create your credits page, organize the credits from A to Z.

Here are two examples of how to cite a web page:

Example #1:
Bristol Stories. (n.d). Resources. Retrieved October 22, 2007, from

This website provided several links to relevant digital storytelling websites. Also provided is a list of media that is available for use for digital storytelling as well as different software and tools available.

Example #2:
Center for Digital Storytelling. (n.d.). Retreived October 30, 2007, from
The Califonia-based Center for Digital Storytelling is dedicated to the art of digital storytelling. The Center offers workshops and a variety of resources, including case studies. They also link to a number of digital stories.

Cite your sources and give proper credit for images, music, etc.; the following website is given credit for the above examples: