Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How to Cite a Source

Every time you find an image that you would like to save, do the following:

1. Highlight the url (
2. Copy
3. Paste into a file folder you have created titled "Credits"
4. When you create your credits page, organize the credits from A to Z.

Here are two examples of how to cite a web page:

Example #1:
Bristol Stories. (n.d). Resources. Retrieved October 22, 2007, from

This website provided several links to relevant digital storytelling websites. Also provided is a list of media that is available for use for digital storytelling as well as different software and tools available.

Example #2:
Center for Digital Storytelling. (n.d.). Retreived October 30, 2007, from
The Califonia-based Center for Digital Storytelling is dedicated to the art of digital storytelling. The Center offers workshops and a variety of resources, including case studies. They also link to a number of digital stories.

Cite your sources and give proper credit for images, music, etc.; the following website is given credit for the above examples:

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